
Spohn’s “Business Continuity Planning” (BCP) and “Disaster Recovery Planning” (BCDR) planning helps you restore critical functions and preserve digital assets in the case of a disaster event.

Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP) determines:

  • Risk management
  • The probability of what could occur
  • The likeliness a disaster will occur
  • The impact a disaster would have on your organization
  • What action to take if faced with an emergency situation

Business Impact Analysis

Disaster Recovery Planning includes a Business Impact Analysis to provide you with project management, assessment recovery options, and disaster recovery procedures.


Your Business Impact Analysis includes:

  • Determining  business continuity sensitivity and needs as seen by the management team
  • An Application Critical Analysis which is a list of your business essential, business critical, and mission critical applications
  • Recommendations on how to develop the quickest possible recovery time

Spohn will identify your critical systems and determine the maximum time those systems can be non-operational.

Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP)

Spohn acts as your business continuity plan coordinator, identifying your potential for downtime and loss of business. Once downtime is identified, Spohn’s experts help you plan accordingly.

The following are a few of the steps Spohn will perform as part of your Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery planning:

  • Interview management staff to help identify and assess company’s needs
  • Determine your most critical needs and assign the best measures to keep the most necessary processes running
  • Tailor your BCDR plan to meet distinct requirements
  • Educate and train your staff on how to test and maintain the plan so it is always up-to-date
  • Develop a step-by-step guide to use as a resource during a disaster


“Fifty percent of companies that lose all their data go out of business immediately and a further 90 percent don’t survive two years.” -I’m Sorry, but the Dog Ate Our Data, Baroudi Bloor International, November 16, 2004

In the face of an emergency are you prepared?

Let's Make A Plan